June 5, 2012
Interviewed with my ‘ol buds, Phil and Mitch Margo (The Tokens), by Mike McCann Entertainment and Sports Journalist on Premier Radio Network. Mike’s a super pro who I’m happy to know. The interview ranged from back in the day to today… how I got King of Fuh to George Harrison, & the recent Apple Records compilation, Come and Get It, The Best of Apple, and the subject of language taboo … Phil’s book, The Null Quotient… 3 of my songs on a new compilation, It’s A Happening World, on Real Gone label, I wrote back when I was a Token, writing songs for their publishing company,…Phil’s musical…Mitch’s song which was inspired by his Mom… my musical based on King of Fuh…… The documentary, BRUTE FORCE, currently screening at different venues in the USA. I got in some plugs for upcoming performances. It felt so good to be there.