King of Fuh Alive In The Material World!!

October 25, 2011

In the biography, George Harrison Living In The Material World, by Olivia Harrison, George writes about a day in his life in his diary from Jan. 10, 1969, and King of Fuh was included! The diary entry also appears in the documentary of the same title, directed by Martin Scorsese,, with the words read by George’s son, Dhani.

An article by Paul Theroux in Newsweek Magazine of 10/03/11 describes that day in George’s life:
“Harrison’s departure from the Beatles was abrupt and without regret. Scorsese has footage of some singular bickering between George and Paul. In what seems just another detail in a busy day, George writes in his diary for Jan. 10, 1969, ‘Got up went to Twickenham rehearsed until lunchtime—left the Beatles—went home, and in the evening did King of Fuh at Trident studio, had chips later,’ as we learn in the film.”

Thanks to George for including the Fuh King in his diary.
